Monday 16 December 2024, University of Bath, U.K.
Postgraduate Symposium on Future Directions for Chemical Synthesis
This is a free-of-charge, one-day postgraduate symposium on state-of-the-art advances in chemical synthesis, including new synthetic methodology and exploitation of emerging technologies, such as automation, machine learning, photochemistry, and electrochemistry. The event will also feature several leading academic speakers from regional Universities and a presentation from the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl).
A core focus of this event is to enable PhD students or PDRAs to share their research accomplishments via either a 15-min oral presentation or a poster. The oral presentations will be limited to third/fourth year PhDs and PDRAs, whereas the poster option will be open to all PhD students (including first/second years) and PDRAs. Poster presenters will also have the option to give a 1-min flash talk (1-2 slides maximum) to advertise their poster.
Prizes (up to £200) will be awarded for the best oral presentations, and also for the best posters (up to £50).
For further information on this event, please contact Dr Alex Cresswell (ajc202@bath.ac.uk) at University of Bath.